Who Won the Debate?
Former Sen. Paul Schimpf speaks to the media after candidates debated Thursday at WLS-TV in Chicago. (Photo: Chicago Tribune)
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I had maybe ten texts after the debate from people wanting to know who I thought “won” the debate.
There are three ways to answer that question (of course, if you can use a 250-word explanation instead of a one word answer, you just aren’t trying hard enough.)
Option 1: JB Pritzker
It was hard to watch those six candidates on the stage and see anything more than a group of also-rans who were destined to get beaten handily in November by a billionaire incumbent with natural political skill, a strong team, and an electorate in his favor. Irvin failed to look like he was ready for prime time and none of the other candidates did enough to rise to the occasion to make themselves look like a credible alternative.
Option 2: Richard Irvin
Irvin and his handlers wanted to get through this hour without getting his head taken off by all of the gloves swinging in his direction. He had a rough start, I thought, but settled in and continued to deflect anything he didn’t want to answer. He’s been taught very well how to pivot, and he doesn’t think anyone has the resources to make any minor missteps a big issue with fewer than four weeks to go before the election. He may have gotten a bloody nose, but Irvin left the ring without being knocked down. That’s a win in their book.
Option 3: Paul Schimpf
I may admit that I have a slight bias toward Schimpf because I tend to like candidates who understand government, how it works, how the legislative process works, and can actively create plans to address problems faced in Springfield. Schimpf continues to show he has a head and shoulders advantage over the rest of the Republican field in having any sort of clue how Springfield works. Irvin continues to feel more like Rauner 2.0 everyday and Bailey has no accomplishment or credibility in Springfield to get anything done. While I’ve been impressed with Jesse Sullivan’s efforts to get caught up to speed on policy, Schimpf outclasses the entire bunch.