State Fair Requires Masks Indoors, Concertgoers Will Require Masks and Vaccination Proof
People ride the aerial tram over the carnival midway area at the Illinois State Fair in 2019 in Springfield. (Photo credit: Chicago Tribune)
Less than a week ahead of the opening of the Illinois State Fair, officials are mandating masks and COVID-19 vaccinations or tests for attendees.
From a State Fair news release:
Pursuant to CDC and IDPH guidance, all fair attendees, regardless of vaccination status, will be required to wear masks in public indoor settings. Additionally, all Grandstand concert goers must wear masks to all performances. Ticketholders in the grandstand track area (also known as Standing Room Only) will be required to provide a print or digital copy of personal Vaccine Card, Vaccine Record, or Negative COVID-19 test within the 72 hours preceding the concert. Masks will be provided at the grandstand upon entrance as well as in other locations throughout the fairgrounds and must be worn over the nose and mouth indoors and for the duration of all grandstand performances.
Additional mitigations for the 2021 Illinois State Fair include:
• Fairgoers who are unvaccinated are encouraged to wear masks at all times while attending the Fair. Anyone who is sick or exhibiting any of the following symptoms, including: cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain or sore throat, should not attend the Illinois State Fair.
• Masks are required for all (including vaccinated individuals) in public indoor settings on the fairgrounds, including: Coliseum, Expo Building, Illinois Building, Dairy Building, Livestock Center, Artisans Building, Emmerson Building, Orr Building, Hobbies, Arts & Crafts and the Floriculture/Emmerson Annex.
• Masks are required for Grandstand ticket holders. Track ticket holders must provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test.
• Masks are encouraged for participants and attendees of the Twilight Parade.
• Illinois Department of Public Health will have six vaccinations sites located throughout the fairgrounds:o Illinois Building - Located just inside the Main Gate on Main Street
o North Side of Happy Hollow Entrance - Located on Main Street directly north of the Illinois Building
o Brian Raney Avenue - Located directly north of the Village of Cultures, across the street from the Illinois Treasurer and Secretary of State Tents
o Avenue of Flags - Located just off of Grandstand Avenue, across the street from Gate 2 of the Grandstand behind the Comptroller’s Tent
o 4H Lane - Located near the Orion Samuelson Building north of the Multi-Purpose Arena on the west side of the fairgrounds (August 12-17)
o Livestock Center on 8th Street (August 18-22)• Carnival workers, vendors and concessionaires are required to wear masks and are responsible for assisting in the cleaning of adjacent sitting and picnic table areas.
• Carnival will use fogger machines with a 72-hour disinfectant on all rides.
• Fogger machines will be used to clean the Grandstand, Coliseum and Multi-Purpose Arena between each event.
• No tram service will be offered.
• Dedicated crews to clean high touch areas, including restrooms, barns and common eating areas.
• Hand-washing stations and mounted and portable hand sanitizers throughout the grounds.
At a media preview event Friday, Illinois State Department of Agriculture Director Jerry Costello II says vaccinations are the most effective way to keep people safe.
“We highly encourage people to get vaccinated,” he said. “I personally believe its your civic duty to get vaccinated to protect others. Not just to protect yourself, but to protect others.”
There will be six vaccination sites throughout the fairgrounds offering free single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccines to those in attendance.