Senate Republicans Call for Ethics Reform

Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval leaves federal court in January after pleading guilty to bribery and tax charges. (Source: Sun-Times)

Former state Sen. Martin Sandoval leaves federal court in January after pleading guilty to bribery and tax charges. (Source: Sun-Times)

With four Democratic lawmakers having been indicted, three of them pleading guilty, since the legislature was sworn in last year, Senate Republicans are trying to capitalize on momentum to push ethics reform through the Statehouse.

(Disclosure: I was a Senate Republican staffer from 2013-2014.)

Two Senators, Martin Sandoval (D-Cicero) and Terry Link (D-Vernon Hills), and Rep. Luis Arroyo (D-Chicago) have all resigned after their indictments. Sen. Tom Cullerton (D-Villa Park) has not resigned while awaiting trial.

Powerful House Speaker Michael Madigan has also been caught up in a massive bribery scheme with utility giant Commonwealth Edison.

Republicans say they’ve introduced a package of new bills to enhance ethics investigations:

Senate Bill 4012: Allows the Attorney General to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate, indict and prosecute bribery and misconduct by members of the General Assembly.

  • Senate Bill 4013: Provides states attorneys with wiretap authority.

  • Senate Bill 4014: Grants the Legislative Inspector General the ability to investigate members of the General Assembly without first receiving approval from the Legislative Ethics Commission, and changes the composition of the Legislative Ethics Commission to make them all members of the general public rather than legislators.

  • Senate Bill 4015: Bans legislators from lobbying other branches of state government or units of local government for compensation.

  • Senate Bill 4016: Creates a revolving door legislator-to-lobbyist prohibition for one year after leaving office, or until the end of the current term, whichever is longer.

  • Senate Bill 4017:  Prohibits a legislator from leaving office and continuing to use their campaign fund to support lobbying activities. Also prevents an appointee to a board or commission that is confirmed by the Senate from fundraising for or donating from their campaign committee while serving as an appointed public official.

  • Senate Bill 4018: Updates the Statement of Economic Interests to enhance the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest.

“These aren’t new ideas. In fact, many of these concepts have been supported by legislators on both sides of the aisle for years and yet here we are still fighting for real reform,” said State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods). “There is no good reason to continue to delay addressing government corruption.”

John Patterson, a spokesman for Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park), said “they’ve got some interesting ideas. We look forward to the working with us to pass and enact meaningful ethics reform for the people of Illinois.”

Some Republicans, like outgoing Senator Dale Righter (R-Charleston), seem skeptical that Democrats will be aggressive in enacting ethics reform.

“It makes us wonder what exactly it will take for Democrats to get serious on the issue,” he said.

NewsPatrick Pfingsten