Roe vs. Wade Ruling Would Make Little Difference in Illinois
Protestors demonstrate in front of the Supreme Court Monday night after a report leaked a draft opinion that could overturn longstanding abortion ruling Roe vs. Wade. (Photo: AP)
The national media and Democratic politicians filled the airwaves and social media with anger last night after national reporters at POLITICO reported on a leaked draft Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe vs. Wade.
If the ruling does prove true, which isn’t yet confirmed, it likely wouldn’t have much impact in Illinois.
In 2017, then-Governor Bruce Rauner signed HB40, which expanded public funding for abortion. In 2019, Governor JB Pritzker signed a bill repealing a 1975 “trigger” law that would criminalize abortion if Roe were overturned. The bill also indicated a “fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights.”
In December, Pritzker signed legislation repealing the long-standing Parental Notice of Abortion law, requiring the notification of a parent if a minor girl were to have an abortion.
Pritzker was on CNN last night framing he’ll make the issue a key part of his re-election campaign.
“For a party that says they’re all about individual freedom, they are hellbent on taking away freedoms from so many women. And remember, if they come after Roe, they’ll come after everything. Gay marriage is next. Then other protections for minority and marginalized communities,” he said. “And we have already seen thousands of women here who have been left with no other choice than to cross state lines to exercise their rights. Every candidate for governor and state assemblies should be asked where they stand on this. Do you intend to be like Oklahoma and Texas, or will you be like Illinois where we trust women to make their own decisions about their own bodies?”