Republicans Muddy Mask Mandate Messaging

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) pleads with then-Rep. Darren Bailey to wear a mask during a May 2020 legislative session day. Bailey, who is now running for Governor, was removed from the House floor for refusing to wear a mask.

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) pleads with then-Rep. Darren Bailey to wear a mask during a May 2020 legislative session day. Bailey, who is now running for Governor, was removed from the House floor for refusing to wear a mask.

Illinois Republicans seem to agree they think Governor JB Pritzker shouldn’t be “acting alone” with executive actions, but few of them are clear on whether they support mask or vaccine mandates in any form.

Republicans insist the General Assembly should be included in decisions whether or not to impose mitigations, though Republican and Democrat judges have continually upheld the Governor’s authority under the Illinois Emergency Management Act.

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) sent a letter to Pritzker Thursday writing “you have the authority to call for a Special Session of both Chambers to address this very critical issue, and I am imploring you to do so immediately.”

Durkin’s letter does not specifically state whether he supports the mask and vaccine mandates imposed by the Governor Thursday. Durkin’s spokesperson didn’t respond to our message seeking clarification. A spokesperson for Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) called our question “situational.”

One of the few legislative Republican lawmakers who actually followed up on their statement opposing the Governor’s action was Sen. Dave Syverson (R-Cherry Valley). Syverson says all mask and vaccine mandates should be a “local decision.”

“One size does not fit all,” he said.

Two of the GOP candidates for Governor were less measured in their responses. Sen. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) attacked Pritzker for not “engaging the legislature as the constitutional process requires,” (again, those pesky court rulings).

Businessman Gary Rabine criticized Pritzker for vaccine mandates saying “it is not the government’s role to make healthcare decisions for its citizens.”

Rabine is, presumably, pro-life.

Rabine’s spokesman says the candidate is opposed to all mask and vaccine mandates.

“We have always recognized the rights of individuals to make healthcare decisions for themselves including allowing for exceptions for vaccines,” the spokesman said. “COVID-19 does not and should not change that.”

Former Sen. Paul Schimpf said the legislature should take up a mask mandate during its scheduled legislative special session next week.

“Absent legislative action, these executive edicts are yet another divisive act by a failed governor who believes he wields unlimited power,” Schimpf said in a statement.

NewsPatrick Pfingsten