Reaction to Madigan Indictment
Former House Speaker Michael Madigan.
Here is a collection of reactions we’ve received to Madigan’s indictment.
Governor JB Pritzker:
“An indictment of this magnitude is a condemnation of a system infected with promises of pay-to-play, and the era of corruption and self-dealing among Illinois politicians must end. The conduct alleged in this indictment is deplorable and a stark violation of the public’s trust. Michael Madigan must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
Ultimately, every person in elected office is responsible for doing the right thing – and not lining their own pockets. I am fully committed to eradicate the scourge of corruption from our political system, and today’s indictment is an important step in cleaning up Illinois. I have faith that our justice system will help restore the public’s trust in government.
When I ran for office, I made clear that I would be beholden to no one, and that I would serve the best interests of the people of Illinois. I have upheld that vow. For the past three years, my administration has made clear that such abuses will not be tolerated, and we’ve tightened our ethics laws. I will continue to work with the General Assembly to restore the public’s trust.”
House Speaker Chris Welch:
“As Chair of the Special Investigating Committee, I made it clear that this matter needed to be handled in a court of law, completely separate from the legislature. As is evident by this federal indictment, the full weight of the justice system was needed to ensure all charges are investigated properly and thoroughly. At my direction, the Office of the Speaker has fully cooperated with the investigation and will continue to do so.”
Welch took some questions at the Capitol Wednesday afternoon:
Senate President Don Harmon:
“These are obviously disturbing allegations. I have confidence in our system of justice. Like everyone else, I will be watching to see how this unfolds.”
House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs):
“Illinois deserves better. This is another chapter in the sad story of corruption that has pervaded every corner of the state that was touched by Mike Madigan and his Democrat enablers and has dismantled true democracy in Illinois. Today, the same Democrats who empowered Madigan are still blocking real ethics reform just like they blocked the Special Investigating Committee that was created to get to the bottom of Madigan’s corrupt activities.”
Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods):
“Madigan’s indictment is testament to the outstanding work of federal investigators, who have taken tremendous steps in the long process of rooting out public corruption in Illinois. However, the people of Illinois shouldn’t have to rely on the Feds to continuously clean up the state’s mess. Today’s announcement underscores the need to empower officials here in Illinois to investigate and prosecute misconduct and corruption of its own public officials. Senate Republicans, as they have for several years now, continue to advocate for the use of a statewide grand jury so we are no longer beholden to the federal government, and we can begin to restore the public’s trust within our own capacity.”
Aurora Mayor and GOP candidate for Governor Richard Irvin:
“Speaker Madigan’s destructive 40-year reign over Illinois government is now reaching its next logical point – the inside of a federal courtroom.
For decades, the Speaker has run roughshod over the people of Illinois for his own personal gain and even as the feds began circling, Governor J.B. Pritzker stood by enabling Madigan with millions in campaign contributions and even telling voters ‘the people of Illinois should be grateful for having Mike Madigan as Speaker of the House.
It’s time we put a stop to the Pritzker-Madigan corruption that has been plaguing this state for decades, and the only way we can do that is to change our government from within and get rid of the politicians like J.B. Pritzker who continues enabling the Mike Madigans of the world.”
Sen. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia), a GOP candidate for Governor:
“Former House Speaker Michael Madigan for decades perpetuated and presided over the culture of corruption that has become synonymous with Illinois’ state government. Today's indictment is no surprise, and I hope his allies who also engaged in this behavior are held accountable. As Governor, I'll root out corruption and ensure those who engage in illegal activity are prosecuted and pay a steep price for violating the public trust.
We must enact meaningful anti-corruption reforms in Springfield and take what happened today seriously. Sadly, the Governor, the Speaker, and the Senate President have shown no willingness to enact the reforms we need. If we truly want to restore integrity to the Illinois government, we must elect new leaders who will stand up and demand accountability, starting with Mike Madigan’s handpicked gubernatorial candidate JB Pritzker. It's time Springfield stopped working to enrich themselves and control the lives of working people and families and start working to make them better.”
GOP Gubernatorial candidate Jesse Sullivan:
"The announcement of this indictment of former Democrat House Speaker Michael Madigan has been a long time coming. Madigan is the very face of Illinois corruption. He leveraged his position as House speaker to gain new business for his property tax firm. And he orchestrated a pay to play scheme with ComEd, diverting thousands of dollars to his favorite lobbyists to gain his support for legislation in Springfield.
At a time when Gov. J.B. Pritzker is using taxpayer money to remove a patronage watchdog over his administration, we are reminded once again that career politicians and political insiders cannot be trusted to have the best interests of Illinoisans at heart. Now more than ever, we need to elect a political outsider to clean up the Springfield swamp, and to return power to the people of our great state."
Democratic Party of Illinois Chair Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-Matteson):
“For the past year, I have been honored to lead our party as the first person of color and the first woman to chair the Democratic Party of Illinois. The DPI is committed to building a party that is more transparent, more diverse, and more inclusive in everything we do. Today’s announcement is a stark reminder that elected leaders must hold themselves to the highest ethical standards. We will observe the legal process as it unfolds, but there can be no tolerance of anyone guilty of violating the public trust. While he stepped down as party chair more than a year ago, Michael J. Madigan remains a State Central Committeeman from the 3rd Congressional District. He should resign from that position as well.
Since I became chair a year ago, our focus has been on electing Democrats up and down the ticket across Illinois and continuing to fight for the things all Democrats believe in, including raising wages, lowering costs, defending reproductive choice, protecting the environment, investing in our infrastructure, providing high quality education for all, and more. We will not let actions of the past distract us from our mission in 2022 and beyond.”
The 19 House Democrats who called on Madigan to resign last year:
“Thirteen months ago, we 19 Democrats made clear to our colleagues that we would not support Michael Madigan for speaker. We knew that our chamber, our state, and our party deserved better leadership and the unfolding corruption scandal would only continue to erode public confidence.
This is a watershed moment for our state that reminds us of the work ahead as the former speaker’s case makes its way through the legal system. We remain grateful to the people who joined us in bringing historic change to our party and our chamber.
The possibility that this day was coming and would distract us from our work on behalf of the people we serve was top of mind for many of us as we took this position, even as we faced intense pressure to maintain the status quo.
stance eventually led to the historic election of our state’s first Black speaker, who has led our caucus through the process of passing transformative legislation on clean energy, affordable housing, and a truly balanced budget. We are committed to continuing the work of restoring our constituents’ faith in Illinois government.”
Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago):
“For many years, questions of Speaker Madigan’s involvement in corruption have hung over the work of our chamber and our party. This news comes as we are trying to complete our work in the House on a compressed schedule and I can’t imagine what it would be like to try to do that if he was still the Speaker. This is a sad day, a reminder of a terrible abuse of power that undermined our constituent’s faith in our government. The former Speaker will have his day in court, and the people of the state of Illinois will have an opportunity to learn the full extent of his actions and determine his fate.
When I first began to speak out, I faced harsh criticism from friends and colleagues alike. Over time, as the steady drip of subpoenas and indictments grew closer and closer to the former Speaker, the ranks of members unwilling to continue to pretend everything was fine grew until 19 members refused to be bullied into voting for him to continue in his role. The actions of the group that came to be known as ‘The 19’ resulted in historic change in our chamber and our party. These members reflect the best of public service and I will forever be thankful to them for taking that brave stance.”
Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago):
In the fall of 2020, I joined 18 of my colleagues in calling on former Speaker Madigan to step down when it became clear he could no longer effectively lead our caucus in light of the unfolding corruption scandal. When he refused to step aside, I ran for Speaker against Mike Madigan - which ultimately served as a catalyst for change and ushered in new leadership for the first time in decades.
I did this despite strong pushback from colleagues and powerful entrenched interests. It was personally and professionally challenging but needed to happen to protect our Democratic values and the integrity of the Illinois House.
Accountability and integrity should be at the foundation of public service. Unfortunately, this was lost in the pursuit of personal gain and political power. Collaboration and inclusion took a back seat to a culture of cronyism and control.
Although the Illinois General Assembly has accomplished much for the people of the State of Illinois in recent years, the continued corruption scandal put our accomplishments in jeopardy and threatened to thwart continued progress.
The advancement of the priorities and policy goals which reflect Democratic values is why we serve - and must always remain at the forefront.”
Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego):
The federal indictment of corruption charges against former House Speaker Michael Madigan is disturbing but proof that justice will be served if wrongdoing by elected officials is uncovered.
Now, the legal process will proceed and the courts will weigh the evidence as a trial ensues.
In June 2020, I was one of the first House Democrats to demand that then Speaker Madigan resign after he was implicated in the ComEd scandal as Public Official A.
it was clear to me that the former speaker did not hold the same values that I did, and still do, of what the public expects from a public official.
In October of 2020 I stepped up to be the only person to challenge the former Speaker for the Speakership of the Illinois House at that time. Following that announcement, I was honored to be joined by 18 additional House members who sought change in the Leadership of the Illinois House and in total 22 members voted for a change in leadership.
In calling for former Speaker Madigan's resignation I said "there will never be another Mike Madigan." Considering today's news I believe that more than ever as we have seen that elected public officials have a hold themselves to a high standard.”
Rep. Dan Brady (R-Bloomington), a GOP candidate for Secretary of State:
“The indictment of former House Speaker Mike Madigan is a dark day for Illinois Government.
Todays indictment uncovers how the former Speaker leveraged his position as House Speaker to personally benefit him and his allies. Now, more than ever, it is important that we elect leaders who will put the people of Illinois above their special interest pals. As Secretary of State, I will always put the people of Illinois first and make sure that government works for them not special interest.”
Sen. Sue Rezin (R-Morris):
“For far too long, Illinois has been darkened by the shadow of former Speaker Madigan’s alleged corruption. Rumors of his unethical behavior have been all too common throughout his reign as speaker. However, those rumors had never been substantiated enough for criminal charges, until today.
With his indictment, I hope that my Democrat colleagues choose to take a tougher stance on public corruption and work with us to create stronger ethics reforms, so the people of Illinois don’t have to rely on the federal government to hold Illinois officials accountable for their corruption.”
Sen. Jason Barickman (R-Bloomington):
“Today Madigan joins a long list of Illinois politicians who have been indicted by the federal government. This is another example of the need for stronger ethics standards and the continued need to root out corruption in Illinois government. It also shows why we need a strong two-party system that offer voters real choices, so that they can send corrupt politicians packing. People deserve the chance to have a government that they can trust.”
Former US Attorney and GOP Secretary of State Candidate John Milhiser:
"What has been known to people in Illinois for decades is now official: Mike Madigan is going on trial for public corruption. The culture of corruption and cronyism he fostered has been a poison on state government that needs to be cured. We need leaders who have a proven track record of rooting out corruption in state government, and that is why I am running for Secretary of State: to restore the trust in state government career politicians like Madigan have stripped away with their backroom deals taking advantage of the taxpayer."
Rep. Tim Butler (R-Springfield):
"What has been known to people in Illinois for decades is now official: Mike Madigan is going on trial for public corruption. The culture of corruption and cronyism he fostered has been a poison on state government that needs to be cured. We need leaders who have a proven track record of rooting out corruption in state government, and that is why I am running for Secretary of State: to restore the trust in state government career politicians like Madigan have stripped away with their backroom deals taking advantage of the taxpayer."
Rep. David Welter (R-Morris):
“The indictment of Speaker Madigan is both a testament of faith in our justice system’s ability to hold public officials accountable no matter how powerful they are; and a devastating reminder of how much work we still have to do in order to restore public trust in state government. Meaningful ethics reform with strong accountability, oversight and enforcement provisions needs to be an immediate priority of the General Assembly. If this indictment of Speaker Madigan is not enough to get House Democrats to finally act, then nothing will.”
Democrat Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi:
“Today’s news has been a long time coming. Even out of office, Michael Madigan still holds sway over parts of the political power structure of Illinois and the money that swirls around it.
I ran for Assessor as a progressive Democrat because I was tired of the corruption and favoritism of the Madigan political power structure, which this indictment says extended to his work in a law firm that specializes in property tax appeals. I believed there was a better way, and I’m delivering on that promise.
This indictment outlines a pattern of behavior that extends beyond just one man. It should signal to those who continue to practice Madigan’s brand of politics that it is time for them to leave the stage.
The personal and professional ties of too many politicians have created a corrupt morass that our state has not fully escaped from, even today. Middle-class families continue to suffer because of it. It’s long past time to turn the page on Illinois’ corrupt past once and for all.
For our party to truly be the Democratic Party, we must not only say we are on the side of middle-class people, but also take the actions to prove it. We must be dedicated to rooting out corruption wherever it remains. We must break away from the power and money that supported the type of politics that Madigan symbolizes and many others still practice.
“If this indictment means corrupt practices that benefit the few at the expense of the many will be left in the past, then this will be a day worth celebrating.”
Congressman Rodney Davis (R-Taylorville):