Reaction to House Passage of Energy Bill

House Speaker Chris Welch congratulates Rep. Marcus Evans (D-Chicago), the sponsor of the House energy bill, which passed the chamber Thursday night.

House Speaker Chris Welch congratulates Rep. Marcus Evans (D-Chicago), the sponsor of the House energy bill, which passed the chamber Thursday night.

Numerous leaders and organizations reacted to House passage of major energy legislation.

House Speaker Chris Welch:

“What the House has accomplished tonight is monumental and life changing for the future generations of Illinois," said House Speaker Emanuel "Chris" Welch. "With the passage of this comprehensive energy proposal, Illinois is on the path to a greener future that prioritizes a reduction in carbon emissions, saves jobs, diversifies the energy sector and tackles necessary ethics reforms. I am incredibly proud of Leaders Evans, Gabel, Hoffman, and Representative Williams. It is thanks to their continued negotiations that we have a product our entire state can be proud of."

Governor JB Pritzker:

“Today, with the House passage of SB 2408, the State of Illinois is one historic step closer to reaching a 100 percent clean energy future. For many years, comprehensive energy legislation that puts consumers and the climate first has been debated while scientists around the world have sounded the alarm about the growing impacts of climate change. SB 2408 puts the state on a path toward 100% clean energy and invests in training a diverse workforce for the jobs of the future. Illinois will become the best state in the nation to manufacture and drive an electric vehicle, and equity will be prioritized in every new program created. The days of utility companies writing energy legislation to pad their profits has ended because SB2408 puts consumers and climate at the forefront, prioritizes meaningful ethics and transparency reforms, and institutes key ratepayer and residential customer protections.

A legislative package of this magnitude required bringing all stakeholders to the table, holding regular meetings for more than a year, keeping an open mind, negotiating in good faith, and reaching consensus on a bill that fights climate change and preserves and creates jobs. I want to express my sincere gratitude to Speaker Welch and Leader Evans for their tireless collaboration to get this package across the finish line. To the members of the Clean Jobs Coalition who have worked day and night to protect our planet, thank you for fighting this urgent battle for the next generation of Illinoisans. Your advocacy will leave our children a better and safer Illinois. To our brothers and sisters in organized labor, thank you for fighting for working families across the state and ensuring a just energy transition for Illinois’ energy workforce.

I look forward to SB 2408’s swift passage in the Senate, and signing it into law as soon as possible, because our planet and the people of Illinois ought not wait any longer.”

Senate President Don Harmon:

“The shared goal among the Senate, House and Governor Pritzker has been to position Illinois as a national leader on reliable, renewable and affordable energy policies. This proposal accomplishes that shared goal. I commend the work the House has done to build on the progress the Senate had made. Senate session will be scheduled for Monday to advance this vital proposal to the governor’s desk so it can become law.”

Illinois Environmental Council Executive Director Jen Walling:

“We are closer than ever before to passing the nation’s most comprehensive, equitable climate bill. The passage of SB2408 today in the House of Representatives was an enormous victory that was only possible because environmental champion state representatives stood strong and sided with their constituents over the polluting fossil fuel interests who have called the shots in Springfield for too long.

“We applaud the representatives who voted yes today—they are climate champions. We encourage members of the Senate to vote for SB2408 so we can put Illinois on a path to 100% clean energy, create thousands of good-paying jobs, establish nation-leading equity programs, reduce pollution and hold utility companies accountable for corruption. The climate won’t wait. Let’s get this done!”

Illinois Manufacturers’ Association:

“The governor and lawmakers are about to hit businesses and families in the pocketbook with the largest electric rate hike in our state’s history. At a time when our elected officials should be helping our state recover from the pandemic, they are eliminating one of our key strategic advantages, which is low-cost and reliable energy,” said Mark Denzler, president & CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association. “Manufacturers, who have reduced emissions more than any other sector since 1990, are committed to sustainability and a cleaner environment. This measure will have a devastating impact on the state’s manufacturing sector, which consumes large amounts of energy to produce the goods, medicines, and food that we all rely on. As manufacturers focus on ways to further reduce energy use, promote sustainability and develop new energy solutions, this legislation will increase costs and jeopardize reliability, which will drive more manufacturers out of Illinois, leave workers without jobs, and weaken our overall economy.”

Sierra Club Director Jack Darin:

“This historic bill represents a nation-leading plan to set Illinois on course to 100% clean energy, heeds the call of science for bold action on climate change, and centers equity and environmental justice every step of the way.

“I want to thank the Governor, legislative leaders, stakeholders, and the tens of thousands of Illinoisans who have raised their voices as part of this process. Today, those voices were heard, as this historic agreement is grounded in their hopes for a better future for Illinois and our planet. We urge the Illinois State Senate to vote to concur with the House on SB2408 as soon as possible so that the Climate and Equitable Jobs Bill can become the law of the land and we can deliver a better future for all the residents of our state.”

Climate Jobs Illinois (union coalition):

“We commend the House and all parties for meeting this moment, putting aside considerable differences to pass an ambitious bill that takes on the climate change, puts union men and women to work, and opens up new opportunities for historically underserved communities most impacted by the climate crisis,” CJI Executive Director Joe Duffy said. “We look forward to working with our partners in the Senate to get this historic legislation passed and sent to Gov. Pritzker for his signature so that we can get to work building a cleaner, fairer future for all Illinoisans.”

NewsPatrick Pfingsten