McConchie Resigning, State GOP Chair's Son Frontrunner for Seat
Sen. Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) is resigning from the Senate on Feb. 2.
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Sen. Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods), who was deposed as Senate Republican Leader in 2022, announced Monday he will resign Sunday after nearly nine years in the Senate.
“While I always possessed a desire to serve my country and my community, I never aspired to be an elected official, and certainly not a politician,” McConchie said in a statement. “It was my friends and neighbors who asked me to step up and run for office so I could bring common sense values to Springfield. It was these citizens who convinced me to run for office to help make Illinois a better place to live, work, and raise a family.”
McConchie had been relegated to a significantly reduced role within the caucus after his ouster as Leader, which sources say led to his eventual decision to step aside.
“I think there was [a lot of] frustration when they took him out as leader,” a source close to McConchie said. “Why stick around with a super minority group that’s more interested in tapping into their own egos than getting anything done?”
He did not respond to a message from The Illinoize Monday.
McConchie announced the formation of a new disabilities access group, the Accessibility Policy Institute, aimed at “increasing accessibility, and thereby freedom, for every American regardless of ability. By removing barriers to employment, transportation, housing, and more, both individuals and society will mutually benefit.”
McConchie has used a wheelchair since a 2007 motorcycle accident.
His impending resignation has already set off a scramble for the appointment to the seat and leg up on what is expected to be a bare-knuckle fight to keep the seat in GOP hands next year.
Rep. Martin McLaughlin (R-Barrington Hills), who represents half of the senate district, is seeking the appointment. McLaughlin won re-election to his House district by 47 votes in November, the closest house race since 2018.
In a message to local party officials Monday night, McLaughlin said he is the candidate best suited to keep the targeted district in Republican control.
“My interest in the role stems from my commitment to strengthening our Senate [GOP] messaging and defeating the inevitable progressive challenge in the next 26th District election,” he wrote.
State Central Committeeman Aaron Del Mar, who is [see above] also considering a run for Governor next year, is said to be exploring the seat but “not actively pursuing” the appointment.
It appears, though, McConchie may privately be advocating for Joe Salvi, the son of Illinois GOP Chair Kathy Salvi and former State Representative Al Salvi. The younger Salvi, who has not held elective office, is a partner in the Salvi family law firm.
Joe Salvi did not respond to a call from The Illinoize Monday.
McLaughlin criticized the perceived back room dealing if McConchie were actively attempting to put Salvi in his seat and threatened to primary Salvi if appointed.
“This raises concerns about nepotism and insider politics, issues that Republicans have rightly criticized Democrats for engaging in,” McLaughlin wrote. “I want to make clear that I intend to run for the Senate position in the [March] 2026 primary. I’ve earned the right to do through my record of election wins and job performance.”
McLaughlin defeated Democrat Maria Peterson in November. Peterson came within 400 votes of toppling McConchie in 2022.
A Democratic source tells The Illinoize Peterson and Rep. Nabeela Syed (D-Palatine) are interested in the senate seat next year.
Lake County GOP Chairman Keith Brin, who has the majority of the weighted vote to make the appointment, said he will give serious consideration to McConchie’s recommendation, though he didn’t commit to any particular candidate Monday.
Brin originally said he wanted to have the position filled by February 7 so the new Senator can file legislation and “hit the ground running” in the spring session, but said Tuesday he would likely extend that original timeline.