Kifowit to Challenge Madigan for House Speaker

Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego) announced in July she wanted House Speaker Michael Madigan to resign. On Thursday, she announced she’ll challenge him for the Speaker’s job.

Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego) announced in July she wanted House Speaker Michael Madigan to resign. On Thursday, she announced she’ll challenge him for the Speaker’s job.

A suburban Democrat says she is challenging longtime powerful House Speaker Michael Madigan for the position. Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego), a former Marine who was elected to the House in 2012, announced her intentions Thursday morning.

Kifowit describes herself as a “moderate Democrat” and said she was driven to make the announcement based on Madigan’s role in an ongoing investigation of a $1.3 million dollar bribery scheme by utility company Commonwealth Edison.

Kifowit says Madigan has undercut any trust the public had in the legislature.

“The standards that we hold for significant positions of leadership do not rely on whether someone acted within the confines of the law,” she said. “Our leaders should be held to the highest ethical standard of trust and honesty for the good of the people and the future of Illinois.”

She says Madigan’s role in the ComEd case, where he was identified as “Public Official A” who reportedly demanded and received bribes from the company, took part in “self-serving” actions.

“[It] is clear he has compromised the integrity of the Office of the Speaker and undermined the public trust,” she said. “The people of Illinois have put up with this corruption for far too long.”

Through a spokesperson, Madigan released a statement Thursday:

“I have spent my entire career supporting Democrats, regardless of differences in perspective within our party. We are at a critical juncture in our country, and all of us should be focused on coming together to defeat Donald Trump and repair the hate and division he has sown in our communities. We have a lot of work to do, and I’m focused on the November election and addressing the devastating effects of COVID-19 on the workers, families and people of Illinois.”

We’ll have much more on this story in Friday’s The Illinoize newsletter. Subscribe now at

NewsPatrick Pfingsten