House Majority Leader Harris Won't Seek Re-election
House Majority Leader Greg Harris (D-Chicago), the second-ranking Democrat in the Illinois House, announced Monday he will not seek re-election in 2022. Harris, 66, has served in the House since 2007.
One of the most accomplished Democrats in the Illinois House says he won’t run for re-election in 2022.
House Majority Leader Greg Harris (D-Chicago), announced Monday he’ll leave the legislature at the end of his term in 2023. Harris, 66, has served in the House since 2007 and has been Majority Leader, the second-ranking Democrat in the House, since 2019.
From a news release:
“When I stepped into this office 15 years ago, I was committed to making change. I wanted to improve the lives of LGBTQ folks, support our immigrant community, increase the diversity of our caucus and fight for those who for so long have been ignored. As I look back at my time in Springfield, I can confidently say that I was fortunate to do that and more. Therefore, while I will finish the rest of my term and continue leading our caucus through the annual budget process, I will not be seeking re-election,” said Leader Harris.
Harris is leaving office with a litany of legislative achievements to his name. Harris was the chief sponsor of the law that delivered marriage equality throughout Illinois. Following this, Harris became the first LGBTQ person in Illinois history to be in legislative leadership. Additionally, despite Gov. Rauner’s heartless efforts, Harris successfully protected funding for critical human services programs. Early in his tenure, Harris successfully spearheaded legislation reducing economic disparities in mammograms and breast cancer treatment. He is also credited with numerous laws cutting red tape in Illinois’ health care system and lowering the costs of prescription drugs.
“As a proud member of the Democratic Caucus, I can say we stood together and worked toward change over the course of eight General Assemblies, four Governors, two recessions and a global pandemic. I am proud to have worked with dedicated colleagues, staff and activists. I am immensely proud to have served with Speaker Welch, our state’s first African-American Speaker. And finally, I’m most proud to have served my district and demonstrated that good government matters—that, with thoughtful policy, we can improve lives and make a more just society together,” said Leader Harris.
Harris’ 13th district includes portions of Uptown, Lincoln Square, and Andersonville on Chicago’s north side.
Reaction to Harris’ announcement came in from House Speaker Chris Welch:
"Greg Harris embodies public service and throughout his fifteen year career, he has been a passionate advocate for what's fair and just. His command of a wide range of public policy issues, particularly Medicaid and our state budget, has been such a vital asset to the entire state. Greg led the way to deliver marriage equality, protected social service programs during the budget impasse and helped lower medical costs for everyday families. As a values-oriented leader and as the first openly gay majority leader, Greg has given a voice to so many who have continuously felt left out of state government. I am grateful for Leader Harris's support as I've navigated my first year as Speaker. I look forward to his continued guidance throughout the 102nd General Assembly, but I will forever be blessed to call him a friend.”
It isn’t yet clear who Welch may choose as his next Majority Leader, though we’re told by some leading Democrats that Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth (D-Peoria), Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago), and Rep. Mike Zalewski (D-Riverside) could be among contenders for the job.