Halbrook Hit on Breaking Term Limit Pledge
Rep. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) is breaking his pledge to serve no more than five terms in the House.
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In a story from this weekend’s Champaign News-Gazette, Rep. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville) explained his decision to forego a previous pledge not to serve more than ten years in the General Assembly.
“I looked at the current situation,” Halbrook told the newspaper. [Rep]. “Dan Caulkins was one of the founding members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus. There were five of us then. With him leaving, I looked at the tenure of the remaining House Republicans. We’re a rather youthful caucus. So in a world where seniority and experience matters, I just made the decision that I would stay in.”
Multiple sources say Halbrook was telling associates as late as the spring that he was not planning to seek re-election, but changed his mind in May.
He is facing Marsha Webb of Macon in the March primary.