UPDATED: Following LaSalle Veterans' Home Deaths, Veterans' Affairs Director Resigns

Former State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia has resigned as Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs in the fallout from a COVID-19 outbreak that killed 36 residents of the LaSalle Veterans’ Home.

Former State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia has resigned as Director of the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs in the fallout from a COVID-19 outbreak that killed 36 residents of the LaSalle Veterans’ Home.

Governor JB Pritzker announced Monday Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Director Linda Chapa LaVia would resign following fallout from a COVID-19 outbreak that killed more than a quarter of residents at the state-run LaSalle Veterans’ Home.

From a news release:

Governor JB Pritzker announced that Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs Director Linda Chapa LaVia is stepping down from her role. Major General Peter Nezamis, Assistant Adjutant General – Air, Illinois National Guard to serve as interim director. The governor will name a permanent director for the department following a nationwide search.     

“Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our freedom and this administration will continue to do everything possible to prioritize their care,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I’m grateful to Linda for her service and wish her well on her next chapter. I’m pleased to welcome Major General Peter Nezamis to his new role and am confident that with his decades of leadership and operations experience, he is the right person to lead this department forward and ensure our veterans receive the quality care they deserve.  

“It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve our veterans,” said outgoing IDVA Director Linda Chapa LaVia“I’m proud of our accomplishments and I look forward to assisting the interim director in any way possible as the department continues its work to serve our heroes.”  

“I’ve been privileged to serve our state and county in a number of capacities throughout my career and I pledge to lead the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs forward in a way that is transparent, equitable and fair,” said incoming IDVA Interim Director Major General Peter Nezamis. “IDVA is tasked with caring for our state’s heroic veterans, the most noble of missions, and one I look forward to leading in the weeks to come.”  

The move comes following a shaky performance at a House Committee hearing Monday morning. Numerous lawmakers, including Democrat Rep. Daniel Didech (D-Buffalo Grove) had begun calling for Chapa LaVia’s resignation.

UPDATE (3:37 P.M.):

Statement from Senator Paul Schimpf (R-Waterloo), top GOP member on Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee:

“Unfortunately it is going to take more than Director Chapa LaVia's resignation to bring closure to this tragedy for the families of the victims and the people of Illinois. I am still hoping for more transparency from Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Public Health.”


UPDATE (9:15 P.M.):

Senator Sue Rezin (R-Morris) represents the LaSalle Home and has been critical of the state’s response. She issued a statement Monday night on Chapa LaVia’s resignation.

"Since the beginning of this fatal outbreak at the LaSalle Veterans' Home on November 1, it's become apparent that the leadership within the Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs has failed the residents it was tasked with protecting.

"The removal of Director Linda Chapa LaVia was an inevitable and necessary step in bringing accountability to one of the deadliest outbreaks at a state-run facility in Illinois history. While I can respect the former-director's decision to resign, I question why the decision to leave the department was left in her hands. The Governor should have removed the director from leadership long before today.

"There are still several unanswered questions about procedures and decisions related to the handling of this outbreak. The Governor, IDPH and IDVA have the responsibility to provide those answers to the people of Illinois and the families that have suffered from their inaction."


NewsPatrick Pfingsten