The Illinoize

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Election Night Live Blog

Let’s count ‘em.

11:18 p.m. - Still some races up in the air. The Congressional races in IL 13, 14 and 17 still too close to call (although Underwood has declared victory in 14). Patrick will have more in The Illinoize newsletter in the morning. Thanks for following along this evening. - BG

9:38 p.m. - From Patrick - The Pritzker campaign says Bailey has conceded.

9:14 p.m. - Important thing to keep in mind about the tight race for Illinois’s 6th congressional district - mail-in ballots will be accepted for two weeks as long as they’re postmarked today. With the race separated by only a few hundred votes currently, who won may not be clear until Thanksgiving.

9:13 p.m. - The Chicago Tribune reports Republican Dan Brady has conceded to Democrat Alexi Giannoulias in the Illinois secretary of state race. Giannoulias will replace outcoming Secretary of State Jesse White.

9:07 p.m. - From Patrick: No word yet from the Bailey campaign even though it’s very clear that they’ve lost this race. We’re reaching the point in the night that it’s getting embarrassing.

8:04 p.m. - So far no sign of Darren Bailey conceding the race. Both Pritzker and Duckworth were projected to win their respective races minutes after the polls closed. Salvi conceded to Duckworth. Reports from Pritzker’s campaign watch party say the governor won’t wait for Bailey to concede to speak.

7:00p.m.- Polls are now closed. Patrick is on WGN-TV tonight. You can watch here. He’ll jump in as much as he can tonight. But, Ben Garbarek is here to guide us through as the results come in.