Democrat Division Over Attacks in Israel
Israeli flags are flown at a pro-Israel rally organized by the United Jewish Fund in Glencoe Tuesday.
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A group of some of the most progressive Democrats in Springfield have blamed Israel denying Palestinians “basic human rights” for the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israelis.
“We will not be able to achieve peace when millions of Palestinians are denied basic human rights,” the statement reads. “We urge the United States and the international community work toward long-term solutions that end the inequality that is at the root cause of the violence.”
In what appeared to be a direct response to the group, Rep. Bob Morgan (D-Deerfield), tweeted Israel has every right to defend itself.
“If today you find yourself talking about “de-escalation”, it’s because your child, grandparent, or spouse wasn’t just killed or kidnapped by Hamas terrorists,” Morgan, who is Jewish, wrote.
15 members of the Illinois Legislative Jewish Caucus wrote they “unequivocally condemn this deprivation of innocent life.”
Interestingly, three lawmakers, Rep. Kevin Olickal (D-Skokie), Sen. Ram Villivalam (D-Chicago), and Sen. Robert Peters (D-Chicago) signed both statements.