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Bailey Moving Closer to Bost Challenge

Former State Senator and GOP gubernatorial nominee Darren Bailey continues to move toward a challenge of Republican Congressman Mike Bost next year.

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As expected, former State Senator and 2022 GOP nominee for Governor Darren Bailey is inching closer to announcing a challenge to Congressman Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro) for the heavily Republican southern Illinois district next year.

Bailey has been hinting a challenge to Bost for months and has been sharing plans to mount a congressional campaign privately.

Bost, a five term former State Representative, has been attempting to lock down his newly drawn district, including raising $400,000 in the first quarter of the year and formally announcing his run for re-election last week. He has also moved to the right on some issues in DC in recent months, including a vote against the debt ceiling deal earlier this month.

It has been rumored Bailey will announce his plans at a July 4th political barbecue at his family farm in Clay County, but sources close to Bailey wouldn’t confirm the plans.

“Rumors make the world go ‘round,” texted a source close to Bailey last night.”

Other GOP insiders expect Bailey may wait until after September 1 to formally announce his campaign so as to prevent stories of a fundraising deficit when second third quarter numbers will likely trail the incumbent.

“Either way, it’s going to be bloody,” predicted a GOP consultant.

Patrick Pfingsten
